Adding Scripts
If you're confused about how scripts even work, have no fear! It may look daunting at first, but it's really quite simple. You'll first want to add the Tampermonkey extension to your browser. There are links at the top of the site for each browser it supports.
Then, click on the extension icon on your toolbar and click the "Create a new script..." button. Delete all the text, and then copy and paste a script's code in there. Now, just click "File" and "Save" (or just use CTRL + S) and then congratulations! You have added that script.
Near the top of the code, you might see a big ASCII box that says USER VARIABLES. That section contains some simple things you can customize in the script, and information about what they do and how to change them.
Modifying Scripts
You are allowed to modify these scripts as you wish, so you can customize them to your liking! The code is built to make simple changes easy without needing JavaScript knowledge. For more advanced changes, each script is thoroughly commented. Simpler scripts are extremely verbose and assume extremely little JavaScript knowledge, but more complex ones will gloss over basic stuff.
Making these scripts automate any part of VirtuPets itself is considered cheating, and will result in your account being permanently frozen. In general, it starts becoming "automation" when it starts interacting with the site itself. Automatically clicking, typing, refreshing, or loading pages are off-limits. When in doubt, you should ask in the VirtuPets Discord server if your script is okay.
If you need help, and this page did not answer your question, allow me to break into first-person for a moment and suggest that you message me on Discord (Aviivix#2695). You can send me a NeoMail too, but depending on where my fixation is at that moment, I may not respond.
If you want to show appreciation, you can check out my shop and maybe buy a thing or two. If you want to show a lot of appreciation, you can help me stay alive on Ko-Fi!
Script List
This is the current list of available scripts. Each one has a brief description, and the text beneath each one is the code you can paste into Tampermonkey. Do note the version you're on - if it's out of date, you may be missing features!
This is a simple script that highlights desired items in NPC shops. You'll need to set the list of items you're targeting in the User Variables section for it to actually work.
This is a similar script to the Simple Shop Highlighter above, but it allows more broad terms. If you're restocking at Kauvara's, for example, you may not want to put every single cool morphing potion down. With this script, you can just put "Faerie" and "Darigan" in the list of targeted terms and it will highlight any item with "Faerie" or "Darigan" in the name.
To stop it from highlighting a bunch of other items like "Bottled Air Faerie", you can put a required term down like "Morphing Potion" so it will only look at items that have "Morphing Potion" in the name.
This is a script that will put a list of out-of-stock items at the top of your Shop Stock page. You'll need to set the list of items you want to keep stocked, as well as the ideal quantity the items should be at, in the User Variables section for it to actually work.
This is where you can find settings and UI for various VirtuScripts. This page should automatically update to include any script that supports the Dashboard.
Welcome to the userscript emporium! This petpage is home to a handy collection of quality-of-life scripts you can use on VirtuPets to enhance your experience. These are all cosmetic scripts. They may condense information, highlight things on a page, or even log things for you, but they will not automate anything on the site itself.

If we're lucky, they might even work!
DISCLAIMER: These userscripts are extremely amateur work. Practically every line involved some Google search along the lines of, "string to integer js" or "get element children js". If you are a JavaScript developer, you will cringe. You have been warned.