Cooking Pot Recipe List by Dune (AKA #OWNERLOOKUP)

Jellyneo's Recipe List for Official Neopets
Paint Brushes
- Grey Paint Brush: Shadow Paint Brush + White Paint Brush + Stone Paint Brush
- Grey Petpet Paint Brush: Black Petpet Paint Brush + White Petpet Paint Brush
- Island Paint Brush: Water Paint Brush + Brown Paint Brush + Orange Paint Brush
- Orange Paint Brush: Yellow Paint Brush + Red Paint Brush
- Lost Desert Paint Brush: Blue Paint Brush + Yellow Paint Brush + Golden Paint Brush
- Brown Paint Brush: Red Paint Brush + Green Paint Brush + Blue Paint Brush
- Plushie Paint Brush: Brown Paint Brush + Handmade Plushie Paint Brush + Pink Paint Brush
- Plushie Petpet Paint Brush: Disco Petpet Paint Brush + Green Petpet Paint Brush + Yellow Petpet Paint Brush
- Speckled Paint Brush: Green Paint Brush + White Paint Brush
- Purple Paint Brush: Red Paint Brush + Blue Paint Brush
- Water Paint Brush: Blue Paint Brush + Glass Paint Brush + Green Paint Brush
- Spotted Paint Brush: Shadow Paint Brush + Yellow Paint Brush
- Maraquan Paint Brush: Blue Paint Brush + Island Paint Brush + Water Paint Brush
- Maraquan Petpet Paint Brush: Blue Petpet Paint Brush + Island Petpet Paint Brush
- Starry Petpet Paint Brush: Blue Petpet Paint Brush + Yellow Petpet Paint Brush
- Pink Petpet Paint Brush: Red Petpet Paint Brush + White Petpet Paint Brush
- Pirate Paint Brush: Red Paint Brush + White Paint Brush + Golden Paint Brush
- Wuzzer: Buzzer + Dwarf Tree
- Blooky: Angelpuss + Triffin
- Froiler: Baby Fireball + Bloop
- Slorgclops: Meowclops + Slorg
- Spoppy: Poppit + Spyder
- Spoppy III: Jelly Finger + Spyder Wardrobe + 2/3 Honey Blossom Omelette
- Sniffly: Snuffly + Grey Petpet Paint Brush
- Unifox: Doglefox + Uniocto
- Spallard: Mallard + Spardel
- Popblew: Poppit + Puppyblew
- Gulpfir: Fir + Gulper
- Ultra Pinceron: Pinceron + Wheelie
- Combobot: Avabot + Neotrak
- Ultra Mega Bot 2000: Combobot + Ultra Pinceron
- Moink: Flishy + Snorkle
- Drackobunny: Drackonack + Snowbunny
- Uggazew: Mazzew + Uggatrip
- Hooklen: Gruslen + Snarhook
- Noilkeet: Noil + Pawkeet
- Romeep 3t3: Meepit + Roburg 3T3
- Haseepuss: Angelpuss + Hasee
- Zamillion: Gallion + Zoomik
- Foobug: Buzzer + Fungree
- Khura: Khonsu + Nuranna
- Moltenna: Moltenore + Tenna
- GX-4 Haseebot: GX-4 Oscillabot + Hasee
- Huggy Bear: Cool Purple Teddy Bear + Huggy
- Apple Onion Rings: Green Apple + Onion Rings
- BBQ Porkwich: Bread + NeoPox Pizza
- Punegg: Chocolate Ice Cream + Purple Negg
- Yenegg: Chocolate Ice Cream + Yellow Negg
- Scooped Rainbow Negg: Rainbow Negg + Vanilla Waffle Cone
- Chebu Chebu Grub: Cheeseburger + Woo Woo Grub
- Ha Ha Grub: Ham + Woo Woo Grub
- Mec Mec Grub: MechaBerries + Woo Woo Grub
- Spoc Spoc Grub: Spotted Pudding with Custard + Woo Woo Grub
- Spoc Spoc II: Aquaberry + Brogle Berry + Woo Woo Grub
- Wa Wa Grub: Watermelon Soup + Woo Woo Grub
- Roo Roo Grub: RainbowBerry + Woo Woo Grub
- Stuffed Surprise: Almost Gummy Rat (Strawberry) + Chewing Dung
- Mechabread: Bread + MechaBerries
- Mechadoughnut: MechaBerries + Purple Doughnut
- Mechagrapes: Grapes + Mechabread
- Mecha Tiger Jam and Toast: Mechabread + Tigersquash Mega
- Mecha Veg Toast: Mechabread + Veggie Sausage
- Usuki Head Stew: Cheerleader Usuki + Joint of Ham
- Usuki Green Salad: Lettuce + Usuki Cookery Set
- Cherry Neocola: Can of Neocola + Cherries
- Cake Coffee: Chocopie Slice + Coffee
- Carburnujelly Sandwich: Carburnup Pepper + Felrum Jelly Cube
- Hot Chocolate: Chocolate Milkshake + Hot Soup
- Meow Muffin: Battle Muffin + Meowclops Head Pillow
- Corn Crunchies: Kau Kau Farm Milk + Popcorn
- Munparaberry: Munuberry Slushie + Transparaberry
- Mummified Jelly: Lime Jelly + Soothing Bandages
- Lemon Omelette: Cracked Keno Egg + Lemwart
- Fruit Loaf: Banan + Bread
- Cheesato: Tangy Tyrannian Cheese and Crackers + Tomato
- Sausage Wrap: Bread + Pork Sausage
- Spooky Pumpkin Gateau: Pumpkin Slice + Vanilla Ghost Cake
- Banana Grub: Organic Bananas + Wriggling Grub
- Pizapple Surprise: Cheese + Green Apple + Negg
- Bomatoge: Negg + Pork Sausage
- Matoast: Baby Tomatoes + Stale Bread
- Deluxe Organic Salad: Flowers + Organic Red Grapes
- Spiced Melon: Combomelon Plant + Spiced Apple Pie
- Twice Veggie: Green Cabbage + Leek
- Carrotberry Smash: Blueberry Snow Puff + Organic Carrot
- Corn Sword: Corn On The Cob + Sword of Domar
- Roast Gargamon: Roast Gargapple + Salmon Steak
- Deliwich: Bread + Deli Turkey Slices
- Cheese Cookies: Neo Crackers + Vegan Cheese
- Orange Enchiladas: Orange Rambus + Potion of Concealment
- Gwernial: Grunion + Gwermal
- Negg Stew: Blue Negg + Yellow Negg
- Chicken Roll: Hot Cakes + Spicy Wings
- Deviled Negg: Kau Kau Farm Milk + Purple Negg
- Fungi Pizza: Fungi Fruit + Pizza
- Ham and Cheese Sandwich: Grilled Cheese Sandwich + Ham
- Chicken Bread Bowl: Neowaiian Bread + Orange Chicken
- Mint Stew: Green Mouth Wash + Metalicious Ice Lolly
- Ice Chocolate Cake: Chocolate Cake + Icy Negg
- Grundo Stick Sub: Fresh Baguette + Grundo Stix
- Chokito Wrap: Chocolate Neodrops + Sausage and Cheese Roll
- Chococherry Surprise: Cherry Pie + Chocolate Coated Peanut Butter
- Cream Roll: Jam Pastry + Strawberries and Cream Baby Food
- Rahkleaf Melon: Glowleaf Melon + Rahketmelon Slushie
- Lemberryade: Cherryberry Krawkade + Lemint
- Meatball Broth: Hot Soup + Snowghetti and Meatballs
- Chocberry Pizza: Choco-Strawberry Muffin + Pizza
- Deluxe Chocolate Chia: Chocolate Chia Truffle + White Chocolate Chia
- Asparagus: Magic Potion + Sunflower Seeds
- Chocolate Asparagus: Asparagus + Chocolates
- Seawich: Peachbread + Tut Trout
- Blopple: Baked Apple with Cream and Jam + Spooky Jelly Brains
- Sliced Neggs: Orange Negg + Purple Negg
- Savoury Cubes: Mustard Mayhem Grarrl Gobstopper + Neoblocks
- Orangetti: Mummy Spaghetti + Orange Negg
- Watermelon Soup: Bottle of Water + Juicy Melon
- Baked Fish: Lemon and Lime Fish Pop + Organic Carrot
- Bunwich: B-B-Q Pork + Terry Berry
- Rainbow Vanilla Negg: Rainbow Negg + Vanilla Milkshake
- Frump Soup: Hot Soup + Red Lipstick
- Scabergy: ErgyFruit + Scabu
- Frosted Doughnutfruit: Doughnutfruit + Snowberries
- Dung Cake: Chewing Dung + Snow Cake
- Peabone: Odorra Pod + Tyrannian Goulash
- Jelly Doughnut Smoothie: Doughnutfruit + Large Ice Creamy Jelly Smoothie
- Blunella: Blurf Gelert Cake + Oranella Slushie
- Elixir Of Intelligence: Brain Tree Root + Eyeball Slushie
- Stuffed Eel: Honey Blossom + Pickled Eel
- Thorn Cookies: Chocolate Chip Cookie + Thornberry
- Sticky Stack: Golden Juppie + Hot Cakes
- Conical Hot Dog: Chilli And Cheese Hot Dog + Cone-Shaped Watermelon
- Melted Delight: Crablett + Faerie Block Mallows
- Octle Salad: Grapple + Red Octopepper
- Cup of Hot Borovan: Asparagus + Hot Chocolate
- Scrambled Rainbow Negg: Cinnamon Swirl + Rainbow Vanilla Negg
- Strawnella Shake: Strawberry Chia Pop + Vanilla Milkshake
- Secret Dressing: Low Fat Milk + Tyrannian Dung Cheese
- Botago Plant: Green Uni Morphing Potion + Peach Jelly + Slugroot
- Co-Melon: Sourmelon + Sunflower Seeds
- Negg Cream Cookie: Chocolate Chip Cookie + Scrambled Rainbow Negg
- Barga Burger: Bargasaurus Steak + Prime Veggie Burger
- Tropical Pudding: Scabergy + Spotted Pudding with Custard
- Choccy Corn: Pheppacorn + Stick of Butter
- Cho Sticks: Cheese + Spironut
- Thorn Cream Cone: Thornberry + Toffee Ice Cream
- Ergy Broccoli: Broccoli + ErgyFruit
- Meat Stars: Lime Starfish + Snorkle Snout
- Purple Icewich: Purple Juppie + Snow Sandwich
- Negg Salad: Coral Salad + Pink Negg
- Ranegg: Chocolate Ice Cream + Rainbow Negg
- Iced Hamwich: Green Ham + Milky Moo Ice Lolly
- Lolly Snot: Lollypop + Runny Snot
- Fruity Bread Salad: Pyramibread + Strawberry Artichoke
- Blackeyed Meowclops Toy: Black Eyed Peas + Meowclops Plushie
- Ugga Chair: Checked Kitchen Chair + Uggatrip
- Angular Sand Sculpture: Bottle of Black Sand + Bottle of Green Sand
- Swirly Sand Sculpture: Bottle of Green Sand + Bottle of Red Sand
- Curvy Sand Sculpture: Bottle of Blue Sand + Bottle of Green Sand
- Heart Shaped Sand Sculpture: Bottle of Black Sand + Bottle of Red Sand
- Triangular Sand Sculpture: Bottle of Black Sand + Bottle of Blue Sand
- Bottle Shaped Sand Sculpture: Bottle of Blue Sand + Bottle of Red Sand
- Modern Sand Sculpture: Bottle of Blue Sand + Bottle of Purple Sand
- Gumglobe: Gumball Machine + Snowglobe
- Swirly Kiko Plushie: Dark Faerie Snowglobe + Green Kiko Squeeze Toy
- Bubble Blaster: Basic Dryer + Bubble Blower
- Uni Bear: 100 Percent Fake Uni mask + Fuzzie Bear
- Flaming Wuzzle Toy: Flaming Torch + Purple Fuzzle
- Foul Smelling Swamp: Gloomacinth + Stylishly Simple Pond
- Fishing Meepit Statue: Fishing Kiko Gnome + Meepit
- Cuddly Yoyo: Neonip Critter + Pink Spinning Top
Background Image Credit: Voca-Edits on Tumblr