hello! welcome to my page! here i will be posting all of my codes and tidbits every now and then, free for use by all! all i ask is that you just give credit when credit is due or if someone asks you for the source!
none of these are professional by any means and completely just basic, minimalist codes that i create my in free time. i will probably update this from time to time if i decide to make more!

looking for more codes?
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6/24 - Poolside

Poolside (CSS)

Click the image to see a bigger preview!

Highly Customizable Simple & Easy Matching Pet Lookup

want a link bar to add to your page? here's the html!

Hotlinks Bar (HTML)






Page Doll/Floater (CSS & HTML)

for adding a floating image to your page!

Easily Adjustable Mobile Responsive

Music Box (CSS & HTML)

Customizable Adjustable Volume Mobile Responsive (add to @media code)

Mini Tutorial:

select your desired music from youtube. select the URL and go to your favorite youtube MP3 conversion site (i used x2download.com). once you get the MP3 file downloaded, go to your private server in discord and upload the file. right click on the file's name and select 'copy link'. once copied, paste and replace "MP3_URL" with the link.

Praesent sed neque ullamcorper, tincidunt ante tempus, ullamcorper est. In a nibh iaculis, viverra tellus a, luctus augue. Nullam sagittis, erat nec rutrum pellentesque, mi nulla dictum est, non venenatis eros turpis eget augue. Fusce ex urna, varius a nibh nec, posuere maximus felis. Pellentesque quis lacinia nisl. Fusce et aliquet leo. Sed sit amet elementum eros. Phasellus dapibus auctor arcu ut eleifend. Vestibulum ultricies augue est, ac venenatis lectus mollis ac. Vivamus tempus magna non lorem dapibus, ac venenatis lacus efficitur. Nam id viverra neque. Nulla nec placerat enim.

Praesent sed neque ullamcorper, tincidunt ante tempus, ullamcorper est. In a nibh iaculis, viverra tellus a, luctus augue. Nullam sagittis, erat nec rutrum pellentesque, mi nulla dictum est, non venenatis eros turpis eget augue. Fusce ex urna, varius a nibh nec, posuere maximus felis. Pellentesque quis lacinia nisl. Fusce et aliquet leo. Sed sit amet elementum eros. Phasellus dapibus auctor arcu ut eleifend. Vestibulum ultricies augue est, ac venenatis lectus mollis ac. Vivamus tempus magna non lorem dapibus, ac venenatis lacus efficitur. Nam id viverra neque. Nulla nec placerat enim.