Changing the color of petlookup boxes


Paste this code in your pet description CSS and change the hex codes.


Making pet images bigger on your userlookup


Paste this code in your userlookup CSS. Change the width as needed.


Making pet images bigger on your userlookup if you have pet overlay(s)


Paste these code in your userlookup CSS. Change the width as needed.

Bigger Image CSS

Pet Overlay CSS

Adding gradient background to a gallery (and theoretically a shop and other pages, but I haven't tried it yet)


Paste this code in your gallery CSS. Change the hex codes, add more colors, whatever.


Other Resources:

^ These pages have a ton of other CSS help! ^

W3Schools (Great source is you're just starting out learning html)

And don't be afraid to ctrl+u pages that have cool html stuff going on to sift through the code and learn how they're doing it! ^_^

Page layout inspired by Felix’s CSS help page