Virtupets CSS Helper
CSS for certain things in Virtupets is a little different from OG, meaning premade layouts or your old layouts may not work properly without a little editing. This guide can help you navigate setting up your customization.
Hex Values
Many codes on this page include hex values that look like #FFFFFF or similar. This is where you define your color value.Hex values consist of numbers 0 - 9 and letters A - F. With 0 meaning no intensity, and F meaning full intensity. The first two letters specify the red value, the middle two numbers specify the green value, and the last two set the blue value.
Play around with the values to find a color you like! Alternatively, use an art program to color pick any color you want! The color change widget should have the hex value ready to copy & paste.General
These codes can be used on any customizable page!Change Body (Grey) Background
Image | Color | Image + Color |
body {
background-image: url(IMAGE_URL);
body {
background-color: #FFFFFF;
body {
background-image: url(IMAGE_URL);
background-color: #FFFFFF;
Change Wrapper (White) Background
Image | Color | Image + Color |
.wrapper {
background-image: url(IMAGE_URL);
.wrapper {
background-color: #FFFFFF;
.wrapper {
background-image: url(IMAGE_URL);
color: #FFFFFF;
Gradient Backgrounds
Body | Wrapper |
body { background-image: linear-gradient(#FF0000, #00FF00, #0000FF); }
.wrapper { background-image: linear-gradient(#FF0000, #00FF00, #0000FF); }
Big thanks to Baysee for this addition.
Remove White from Bottom of the Sidebar
If you put a background in the 'white' area of a page, the sidebar can cut it off. This will remove that cut off and show your background behind the sidebar.
User Lookup
Shield Overlay
Partial Shield Overlay

This overlay uses a slightly shorter image overlay that still shows the age of the account while giving you a custom shield. Use the template above to make the shield you want, or use it on its own.
Userlookup Pet Overlay
NOTE: Replace YOURPET with the name of your pet, lowercase, and if it has spaces turn them into an underscore!
Pet/shield overlay code written by Felix!
Larger pet images
Default | Overlay |
this code replaces the one above |
Large images code written by Baysee!
Pet Lookup
Pet Overlay
Petpet Overlay | Petpet+P3 |
Pet overlay code written by Felix!
Statistics Box
BG Color | BG Image | Font Color |
BG Color | Header Color | Font Color |
Stat/treasure code written by Baysee.
Shopkeeper Overlay | Gallerykeeper Overlay |
Remove black border on Gallery Items | Remove Qty: # below Gallery Items |
.item-image img {border: 0}
div.item-name span.sf {display: none}
Item code written by Felix!
Overlay Rules
'Overlays' refer to the act of replacing images with other images through CSS as a means of further customization. While this is absolutely allowed on virtupets, it should not be used to trick others. Here are some guidelines:
Do | Don't |
Plus, if there is an issue a mod will ask you to change it. You will not be iced for it. Have fun and be creative!
Visit Goat's Visual Guide.